Monday, April 3, 2017

10 Internet Memes That Should Have Their Own Movie

(Note: This blog entry is mostly satirical. If Hollywood actually makes any of these movies (except for the last one), I will bash my head up against the wall until it is physically impossible for me to see anything, let alone movies.)

So, this little brat is getting her own TV show now.... Hoo-freakin-rah. (Funny, I kinda thought Fox News WAS her TV show.) This got me thinking, though... If we're putting the greenlight on this annoying little girl, why not shine the light on all sorts of memes? I mean, heck, if Emojis can have their own movie, why not? So, today, I'll be counting off the Top 10 internet memes that I think deserve their own movies!

Now, for this list, I've picked mostly original memes, and not anything based off of a movie or TV show; Spongebob has two movies already, Futurama has four, and don't even get me started on the Muppets! These are the fresh, new memes that hold the potential for some solids blockbuster epics!

I'm surprised Disney Nature hasn't gotten the rights to creating a documentary biopic on this beloved creature! Think of all the potential for high-stake drama in this scenario.... A gorilla trying to protect a child that fell into the cage, and he gets shot? Oh, what a powerful epic that would make!

2.Roll Safe
I can see it now.... A Black Dynamite-style exploitation movie about a man who has less common sense than the average man, but at the same time, more so. "Those terrorists can't blow up the orphanage if I don't see an explosion." Smooth!

3.Boardroom Suggestion
Think about it: A powerful drama about a man on a board of directors whose ideas are so poorly received that he gets thrown out the window every time he brings up an idea.... Oh, the social commentary it would have on the crappy ideas that the media keeps putting out! (Which is probably why a movie about it will never get made.)

4.Baby Godfather
Heck, if they could make a movie like The Boss Baby (which I WON'T be reviewing or seeing, BTW), they could sure as heck convert one of the greatest films in cinematic history to this adorable little convention! Just imagine a baby waking up to find his teddy bear's head in there with him! Shoulda gave the BG that ride-on tractor, buddy.

5.Awesome Face
Picture this: In a world of sad faces, one face dares to be different from the rest.... And that face is AWESOME FACE! If he's not gonna get his own movie, let's at least hope he gets even a brief cameo in the new Emoji movie.

6.Antoine Dodson

See here. End of conversation.

7.Stick Figure Guy
We've seen him spit cereal, accept challenges, flip tables, and even take his finger down speechless. Whatever the case, this guy's been so famous that he basically has to get his own movie! I mean, it would be the cheapest animation anybody could put out! Seriously, Hollywood.... MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Even more famous than Awesome Face is Trollface. It may seem like a stretch, but I could see this guy being in a Wreck-It Ralph kind of movie where he strives to be a more upbeat internet meme only to find that there would be no internet without his snarky trolling! Oh, what a social satire that would be....

9.Grumpy Cat
Ah, our favorite mad face.... I'm not gonna lie, there were a lot of cat and dog memes to choose from, but again, Grumpy Cat has become so famous across the internet that it would be inevitable to at least attempt a movie with him. Imagine an entire hour and a half where his family does everything in its power to cheer him up, and he still can't smile for a second. What a wild road trip that would be!

10.Stephanie Lenz
Alright, let me take off the satirical glasses for a second and be real.... A real-life court drama based off of the Stephanie Lenz case could be essential in this day and age. Now, for those who don't know, Stephanie Lenz posted this video onto Youtube of a baby dancing to the Prince song, Let's Go Crazy, and received a copyright strike via Youtube's copyright claim system. She took this case to court, and as a result, a new law was set up stating that copyright owners must consider fair use before filing a take-down notice. The copyright/fair use battle has been an enormous issue in today's internet society, and I feel like it's high time that a filmmaker out there, independent or otherwise, delivers on the potential to turn that conflict into a powerhouse drama.

Do you agree with this list? What other crazy ideas do you have to turn internet sensations into cinematic sensations? Post yours in the comments below! Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

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